Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The History and Life of Poseidon - 1277 Words

Poseidon is one of the strongest gods in Greek mythology. Poseidon was the god of water, horses, and earthquakes. He was thought to be the reason for boat wrecks, and drowning’s. Cronus and Rhea are the parents of Poseidon in Greek mythology. Poseidon is one of the 3 sons; the others are Hades and Zeus. And their three sisters were Demeter, Hestia, Hera, and while Cronus was the horrible father who feared his own children so he ate them at birth. He continued to eat the newborns until his wife tricked him by giving him stones instead to save Zeus. But sadly Poseidon (and Hades) was eaten by Cronus to save them Zeus (who was being raised by nymphs) became Cronus’ cupbearer. He poisoned Cronus and he threw up Poseidon. They started a†¦show more content†¦But, Poseidon was determined. So he sent his messenger to locate the mermaid and win her heart. The messenger followed orders and started a long, dangerous journey to find the love of his master. When he finally found her, he promised her that, if she married Poseidon, the energies of Poseidon would balance and tranquility and she would come to the Palace of waters. Never would the sea harm to the seamen again. Filled with emotion, Amphitrite surrendered and she married Poseidon. They gave birth to two daughters, which were Nymphs Rhode and Benthesicyme, and the son, the merman Triton, with top body of a human and the tail of a fish. Poseidon and Apollo, having offended Zeus by their rebellion in Heras trick, and was temporarily stripped of their divine authority and sent to be servants to King Laomedon of Troy. He had them build big walls around the city and promised to reward them generously, a promise he then refused to fulfill. In vengeance, before the Trojan, Poseidon sent a sea monster to attack Troy. The monster was eventually killed by Heracles. Poseidon wanted to have carnal relations with Medusa but Medusa was a priestess at the temple of Athena. As such, all of her priestess was also expected to be not married. Poseidon disregarded this and raped Medusa within the Temple walls. Athena was infuriated but could not take her vengeance on Poseidon so instead she turned Medusa into a monster named gorgon. Medusa wasShow MoreRelatedGreek Gods And Goddesses Of The Odyssey998 Words   |  4 Pagesit is going to be in their everyday life ; they ´re going to like the history, monsters, and the magic. For many generations, people have been way more excited by the research and the history of the goddesses and gods like Poseidon, Polyphemus, and Tiresias. Poseidon, Tiresias and Polyphemus are all important aspects of Greek mythology because they have endured stories for thousands of years and they appear in important Greek texts such as The Odyssey. Poseidon, the most famous God of the sea, wasRead MorePoseidon: God of Sea870 Words   |  4 PagesPoseidon:God of the Sea. Poseidon, the great Greek ruler of the sea , horses and the earthquakes. 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