Thursday, April 23, 2020

4 Ways to Write a Persuasive Essay Conclusion

4 Ways to Write a Persuasive Essay ConclusionThe idea behind a sample argument essay is to present a strong and clear case to the reader. However, it's very easy to get caught up in your own ideas and forget to come back to your point. In this article I'll show you some ways to really make sure that you're not only making a compelling argument, but also making the most of your time. Here are four tips:First, let's remember why we're writing the argument in the first place. Make sure you're making your point as clearly and simply as possible. It's okay to use a few colorful words, but avoid overwhelming your readers with verbose and complex language. Keep the pace steady and maintain focus on your points.Second, you need to be clear about your writing style. Your argument doesn't have to be formally written or well constructed; it just needs to be clear and concise. Using a formal style will give you an advantage over those who write their own arguments, but the reader won't know what they're missing. Using informal style will allow you to be more creative, and in fact, could even lead to the addition of some creative ideas.Third, a sample argument essay conclusion is best when it's a straight forward statement of your point. If you want your conclusion to be an additional argument, that's fine. But your conclusion should be a direct quote of your argument or a strong argument for your point. Don't include too much detail, even if you're quoting a person who has their own unique style. It can look like an example of the argument's weakness.Fourth, don't cram everything into the previous paragraph. As much as possible, don't be too far off from your actual argument. The reason is simple: Your conclusion is supposed to be a close second to your argument. It should then follow quickly by your argument, and a call to action.Of course, these tips are geared towards your article idea. They're not only good for persuasive essay writing, but they're good for persuasive argument writing as well.Remember, your essay should end with your specific case. If you need help in deciding what to include in your conclusion, my book on persuasive essay writing can provide that.And now, that's all for today. Have a great day!

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