Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Sociological Aspects of the Climate Change Phenomena Essay

The Sociological Aspects of the Climate Change Phenomena - Essay Example The sociological perspectives that will be used include deviance, social change, and social stratification among others. The paper also includes a discussion of the measures that can be adopted to reduce the negative effects of climate change. Climate Change Review ‘APNewsbreak Panel says wild weather worsens’ this is the title of the article that will be reviewed and analyzed. The article by Borenstein and it talks about the effect of climate change on weather. In the article, Borenstein asserts that the weather conditions in different areas are becoming worse by day and that the change is a man-made made disaster. The article goes on to show how man has contributed to climate change and what can be done to reverse the negative effects that are already being experienced with different magnitudes in different areas (Borenstein 2011). There are many events that happen in the world, and these events leave people scrambling to find answers to the different outcomes of the e vents. Sociology as a discipline, therefore, offers people a way to explain the different reasons or the motivations behind the economic, social or political issues or events of the day. One of the issues that is receiving global attention and which can be analyzed using the sociological concepts is the issue of global warming and climate change. While there are many explanations and theories that are put forward to explain global warming, the global warming phenomena can be said to be a social phenomenon and is, therefore, best explained from a sociological standpoint. As global warming is discussed in the media and in the public domain, it elicits different reactions and attitudes. Most of the discussion on global warming is informed by the idea that global warming is a phenomenon that is caused by human activity and can be rectified through human action. There is, however, a group of people that believe that global warming has been exaggerated and is not in reality as it is prese nted (Henslin, 2010). Climate change is a significant change that occurs in the distribution of the different weather patterns over given periods of time. The change in the weather patterns is long lasting and may even be permanent (Borenstein2011). In the article it is suggested that some of the effects that climate change will have is a rise in the sea level, an increase in the occurrence of severe weather events (including droughts, hurricanes and floods), the decreased availability of fresh water for use, and the change in the seasons as we know them which will lead to temperature changes and changes in the growing seasons which will, in turn, affect the availability of food supplies. To understand global warming from a sociological perspective, sociological concepts can be applied as follows: Social Constructionism (Concept 1ID) Social constructionism refers to the way through which the individual members of a given society construct their social reality (Concept 1 df) In order to understand the human decision-making processes, it is important that one understands the motivation that led to the specific decision being taken.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Social Dimension of the European Union is Weak in Comparison to Essay

The Social Dimension of the European Union is Weak in Comparison to Market Oriented Policies - Essay Example These issues were to be achieved through the use various social action programmes and a social fund which was to be operated at European Union (EU) level. However, Geyer (2000) observes that most nations did not apply the contents of the social policy in reality but opted for state based policies to curb any effects in the market such as recession or depression. Furthermore, the conservative government of Britain which was very much opposed to trade unions was not willing to endorse the policy or what was referred as the social charter. To counter the dissatisfaction with the social policy, amendments were made to the social charter and new issues addressed so as to make it appealing and enhance economic and social cohesion. According to Archer (2000), the social dimension of internal market was to be achieved through various ways. First, it was to foster mobility of labour within the EU member states. To achieve this, the member states had to establish a standard form of hiring prac tices thus the qualifications one gained in his/her state was to be recognized by all members. Members were also to avoid all forms of discrimination in its labour activities especially for women and the handicapped. Vocational training was to be given to ensure all workers had the skills needed to enter the job market. According to Gold (1993), a social fund and a regional fund was to be maintained to assist the poor and the needy such as the handicapped, women and the poor so as to set up small businesses to improve their standards of living and as a source of employment. The final charter thus included such issues as; equality between men and women, formation of worker associations, collective... As the report declares the social policy touches on various issues on how to develop workers by improving their work conditions and living standards. The issues discussed included; harmonization of social systems, labour laws, working conditions, occupational health and safety, formation of trade unions and collective bargaining. Vocational training was also of importance as they impact directly on the labour market. The social policy also aimed at ensuring equality in pay and increased mobility of workers within the single market. This article stresses that the employment policy is an important tool in the social dimension as most of the issues concern employment relations. The responsibility of the policy is shared by the EU and the member states and is aimed at fulfilling various functions. Gold identifies the role of the employment policy which is; to make labour functions better by equipping people with appropriate skills and improving the quality of jobs; to promote sharing of best practices in areas such as employment, poverty reduction, pensions and social exclusion; governing implementation of social security schemes among other roles. Most states thus opt to use own policies to solve problems moreover, the welfare policies of some states and social legislation are not upto the expected EU standards while some other states lack resources to enable them to comply with the requirements of the charter. The willingness to implement the social policy is also affected by the government in place.