Saturday, December 28, 2019

Employee Benefits Essay - 1189 Words

Employee benefits are a tool used by businesses to attract potential applicants, improve employee satisfaction, reduce turnover and maintain competition. Benefits that most employers offer include, but are not limited to, medical and dental coverage, time away from work, retirement, and additional assistance during life changing events. The majority of employers in the United States offer benefits to their employees and include an annual enrollment yearly to select benefits and make any needed changes. Most view medical and dental coverage as the most important option within their benefits package. Medical coverage usually includes doctors visits,†¦show more content†¦The most popular form of time off is vacation time, this is typically a time that has to be scheduled off in advance and the time allotted is determined based on employee seniority. The amount of vacation an employee may receive is determ ined by many factors in the company such as the industry, organization size and locale. Companies tend to offer one to two weeks for employees after they have had a position for one year, and once the position has been held for five or more years the employee will receive an additional allotment of scheduled time off. Paid holidays are nationally observed holidays such as New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas; an employee would normally get this day off with pay or if asked to work would receive additional compensation for working on the holiday. Sick time is for the unexpected time of illness and is generally something that an employee would have to call out for, thus notifying their manager that they will not make it to work for that day. Sick time consists of one week or forty hours and can be scattered through out the year. (Bohlander 479) FMLA or Family Medical Leave of Absence is considered an excused absence in the event there i s an illness in the family or a health condition with ones self, and the birth of a child. FMLA is something that is doctor approved and an employee obtains a certain amount of hours to use per year. FMLA can be an option that you are notShow MoreRelatedBenefits And Benefits Of Employee Benefits Essay1422 Words   |  6 Pagesor not, when the phrase employee benefits is mentioned there are many different perspectives from various angles as to what exactly employee benefits entail. Some perspectives are, but not limited to, what is deemed an employee benefit, what benefits are required by law to be given to employees, benefits that employees might feel are superior, and whether or not benefits provide value to the employer. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

In January 2013 a prominent national US newspaper quoted...

In January 2013 a prominent national US newspaper quoted former Secretary of State, Condolezza Rice, â€Å"It doesn’t matter where you come from, but where you are going.† However, In â€Å"The Land of Opportunity,† James Loewen discusses how significant inequality is in America. The social class that you are born into will influence your outlook on social class and will also be the social class you stay in (Loewen, 1995. 322). Your social class will determine the opportunities available for you including health, fitness, nutrition, education, SAT scores, medical resources and more (Loewen, 1995. 321-322). Loewen also proposes that the education system in America does not incorporate a proper analysis of our social class (Loewen, 1995. 323). It is†¦show more content†¦The African American professors attempt to prove themselves to their students by demonstrating their knowledge and competence. If they succeed, then they do not reinforce negative attitude s towards black people and their intelligence (Harlow, 2003. 368-370). The inequality African American professors experiences includes being underestimated and challenged by their students and possibly their colleagues. Kelley’s article discusses the influence of stereotypes. He mentions how media portrays races, blacks in particular, and that it is linked to perceived behavior (Kelly, 1995. 388). The typical roles of blacks in the media are often negative criminal forms. Because African Americans are perceived this way, their behavior is thought to be violent and impractical. Lastly, Leung’s article discusses the perception of Asians in America. According to Leung, Asians are portrayed as â€Å"hardworking, highly educated, family-oriented, and financially successful.† (Leung, 2009. 390). Although these are positive judgments, the stereotype can make it easy for others to discriminate against an Asian (Leung, 2009. 392). 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Media Brief Essay Example For Students

Media Brief Essay For my coursework assignment I intend to produce a film trailer belonging to the horror genre. I have chosen this genre as it is a popular genre and has a wide mainstream audience; my trailer will be based on the sub genre of a wet horror film (Steven King)which is more widely known as the stalk and slash horror. The reason I have chosen this sub genre is because this genre is typically used and the existing audience are aware of the codes and conventions, therefore they will easily be able to identify the genre of the film trailer. My target audience will be mainstream, aged 14-21 and of both sexes as this is the typical age range for horror films. I expect most of the audience to relate to the victims in the film as it disturbs the equilibrium of a daily situation most people do every day. The purpose of this media text is to inform the target audience about the film and to persuade them to go and watch the film I will do this by using fast edits, non digetic sound and digetic sound to enhance the feel of the trailer. The institution is vital to the popularity of the film and to the choice of audience. Therefore I have chosen Miramax as my distributor as it is well known for horror films such as Scream by Wes Craven which is also aimed at a similar audience. Miramax is a high concept film company which will also have an effect on the audience and peoples expectations of the film. The main plot of the film is set in an open suburban area in the middle of nowhere in which there is a short cut that is often used by teenagers. This short cut is then disturbed and turned into a teenage blood bath for a serial killer with a vengeance. The serial killer is slowly revealed by different shots of his face which is edited to show flash backs will reveal his motive for the murder. As I am working on my own my role will be both director and editor. As director I will need to create a storyboard for the trailer, decide on each different shot, decide on props and setting and choose the actors. As director I will also be filming the trailer, I will be using a digital camera to film and a tripod to create steady shots. In my role as editor I will be using the apple Mac computers; I will use the computers to create enigma codes as all horror films contain enigma codes (Barthes). As editor I will need to decide on graphics for the title of the film, how each shot roles into the next e. g. fade out, cut and decide on the non-digetic music. My film will be called cut which refers to the plot when the victims take a short cut and get murdered. In my trailer I will use shots of the Chloe Davies 12. 2 institution and realise dates, this will help the audience identify that it is a film trailer. The purpose of this media text is to persuade the target audience to go and watch the film. The trailer gives the audience a little taste of what is going to happen but leaves the audience wondering what is going to happen e. g. Is the killer going to get caught? How? Most horror films promote the ideology of religion and that if you have sex before marriage you will die. Movies such as scream up hold this dominant Ideology, where as my trailer goes against the dominant ideology as the killers motive is revenge. By having unknown actors in my trailer it will allow the audience to relate more to the characters rather than watching it and associating them with previous roles they have played. Although by casting famous actors it pushes the audience to believe that it is worth going to watch, it also expands the target audience as fans of the actors will also go and watch the film.